Love foods, also known as aphrodisiacs, have been around for centuries. The word aphrodisiac comes from the Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. Love foods are foods that get you in the mood.
Now, although there is no conclusive evidence that any food is an aphrodisiac, many of us love diehards continue to argue that there is such a thing. Regardless, what the final verdict is . it's amazing what one can do with the power of imagination.
Here are just a few love foods which you may want to try out and if you already have, perhaps next time you'll experience them in a different light.
Caution: These foods may improve your love life!
CELERY - Celery contains the hormone, androsterone, a hormone that is naturally produced in males, and apparently stimulates arousal in women.
ONION - Thousands of years ago in France, newlyweds were served bowls of onion soup on their wedding day to restore their sexual energy.
RADISH - The radish was a divine aphrodisiac used by Egyptian pharaohs ? thought to stimulate the palate.
ASPARAGUS - Asparagus is the zodiac love food for Capricorns. In the 19th century, bridegrooms would often eat up to three servings of asparagus because of its aphrodisiacal powers.
BANANA - Aside from its phallic shape, a banana is lush and creamy. The fruit also contains an enzyme called bromelain which is said to enhance male performance.
GRAPES- Grapes are the love food for the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Whenever I see grapes, it conjures up the picture of Cleopatra stretched out on her day bed being fed by Marc Antony and other lovers.
ORANGE - Oranges are the love food for Aquarians.
PEAR - Pears are the love food for those born under the sign of Gemini.
HONEY - Honey has been connected with love, sex, and sexuality since the days of the Bible. It is said that Attila the Hun drank himself to death with honey on his honeymoon.
VANILLA - Vanilla is considered to have aphrodisiacal powers. It is often found in beauty products, perfumes, and oils because of its aromatic properties.
CHILI PEPPERS & BLACK PEPPER - Spicy foods are often associated with aphrodisiacal qualities because they stimulate our nerve endings, causing our heart rate to increase and body to sweat ? similar to the feelings we experience before and during lovemaking.
GARLIC - Garlic was used as an aphrodisiac by the Egyptians, Romans, Chinese, and Japanese. The fact is garlic makes food tastier, increases our appetite, and leaves us with an overall good feeling.
PINE NUTS, ALMONDS, PUMPKIN SEEDS - Pumpkin seeds and other nuts are the love food for the zodiac sign Libra. The pine nut has been used for centuries to make love potions and is often referred to as the kernel of love. One love potion remedy included drinking a glass of honey with 20 almonds and 100 pine nuts. Something one would supposedly see on an episode of the reality TV show Survivor.
CHOCOLATE - Did you know that Casanova adored chocolate?
To many, chocolate has a sensuous taste. Chocolate is the love chemical. Besides containing a stimulant phenylethylamine, I've read that it also contains an ingredient that is similar to that of an extremely mild sedative, hence relaxing and lowering one's inhibitions.
Here's an interesting story.
Legend has it that Montezuma, the Aztec ruler, drank 50 cups of chocolate each day in order to satisfy his harem of 600 women. And they say we women love chocolate!
Food, an aphrodisiac? You don't have to convince me. But if you're still not convinced, why not take a moment and reflect on what H.L.
Mencken has to say about love:
"Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence."
So, what's going to be on your menu tonight?..Leona Hamel is a Romance Agent, speaker, coach and author of The ABC's of Tease and Please - A Romance Handbook, as well as a contributing author to A First Serving of Milk and Cookies for Success.Passionate about human connection, Leona works with men and women who want to explore their romantic creativity and experience more passion, fun and success in their life. Visit http://www.romanceunlimited.
com for new articles, tips and trivia each month. Don't forget to sign up for LouLou's Love Lesson!.
By: Leona Hamel