A Sanitary Atmosphere
A visit to a chocolate factory certainly will not reveal any
secrets; however, the visitor will be impressed by the gleaming
appearance that such a place has.
Chocolate manufacturers conduct all operations under sanitary,
laboratory-like conditions in keeping with the purity of the
products they make.
They follow a daily regimen of machine maintenance and general
housekeeping that is not exceeded in the food industry.
Cleanliness is, indeed, the universal byword of the chocolate
industry. Chocolate factories not only have careful programs
for industrial sanitation and for the personal hygiene of their
employees, but they are continually striving to improve their
A Plant Within a Plant
Technicians use laboratories to analyze every phase of chocolate
preparation-from raw materials to finished products. They test
samples for the market as well as experimental products produced
in a company's pilot plants.
These pilot plants consist of miniature equipment which duplicates
a company's entire chocolate making process and those of some
of their customers, as well as providing sample quantities of
any product desired.
Chocolate manufacturers are making increasing use of pilot plants
in conjunction with their laboratory research programs to develop
interesting new products and find new ways of making the old